How to Give to Beta

To pay by check, download a printable gift form. Please make your check payable to “Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi,” and return your gift form and check in a stamped envelope to

Alumni Records Office
Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi
P.O. Box 40367
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0367

To make an on-line gift using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express, please use the secure form below. Select the payment you would like to make by checking the box to the left of the payment option; in the form to the right of the payment option, enter the amount of your payment or gift (ex: 150.00).

Refund Policy: If a donation were in question, we would refund it.

 Star Donor (first five years out of college): $25 
 Diamond Donor (more than 5 years out of college): $55 
 Friends of Beta: $100–$249 
 1845 Fellows: $250–$499 
 Dragon’s Circle: $500–$999 
 415 Anderson Preservation Society: $1,000 or more 
 Other (any amount other than those suggested above): 

Contact Information
First Name: Last Name:
City: State/Province:
Zip/Postal Code: Country:
E-Mail Address:

Credit Card Information
Card Number: Exp. Date:
CVV Code: This is the three- or four-digit security code on your card.

All member and credit card fields are required.